Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s Back to the Office I Go

Today is my first day of this new phase of my life. (I know, I feel like I say that every two weeks around here…) But this time it’s true! And longer term. You see, when we decided it was time for me to move on from my most recent job, a position I’d been at for five years, we knew as much I as I wish I could just sit at home with Tate and blog all day, that wasn’t going to pay for the kids’ college. So I will be spending most of my working hours as the Marketing Director for a certain IT company that has a super cute owner…this guy:


Trent is a genius at what he does, and I think I do pretty okay myself (I worked my way up from assistant to head of marketing at my old job), but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. Mixing work and home life is hard, and I have made a big point to stay out of Trent’s business as much as possible…until now. Now we won’t only be a couple, but he will be my boss. Those can be tricky waters to navigate.

Of course, it doesn’t help that I’m a Class A worrier and he’s the exact opposite. I’ve been fretting over how this whole thing was going to go for a month now, while he seems to be taking everything pretty much in stride. One of my big goals for 2013 is to be open to what life throws at me and do the best I can with the situations I am in, instead of worrying about things I can’t change. So wish me luck, as this new journey begins! And if you see my boss around town, tell him to give his cute Marketing Director a kiss. (But not at the office, that would be weird.)

Packing Up Christmas


The thing about the holidays is they are way too short for my liking. Everyone bitches and moans about Christmas decorations being in the aisles of their local Target the day after Halloween, but if I had my way, they’d be setting out twinkle lights in June. I always feel a bit down after the holidays, and this year is no different. Lucy and I have spent many an evening this past week wishing it was two weeks ago and we were back in that warm cabin in Colorado. Oh Christmas, I miss you so.

On Saturday I told Lucy we had to take down our decorations, and she begged for one more day. I knew what an undertaking it would be, so I easily gave in to her request. We spent one more glorious day with the Christmas playlist blasting from our stereo and playing with our gifts under the twinkling tree. “I wish it was Christmas everyday,” she declared.

Sunday I finally dug in. She begged some more, complaining that one kid in her class gets to have his tree up all year. I told her how leaving the decorations up all the time would make them less special. We talked about how fun it was to open up the boxes after Thanksgiving and find all of our old ornaments, retelling the stories of each one. How awesome it was to pull out the stockings we made a few years ago. How lovely it was to see something we hadn’t remembered we had. She finally agreed…it was time.

Our house looks so sad now. So plain and boring. I’ll probably go buy some flowers or a new plant to liven it up a bit. But I’d give just about anything for another day of twinkle lights.

Happy Weekend!

happy weekend 25

Oh, hey, it’s Friday! I can’t believe it’s already the end of the week, and at the same time, it feels like the longest week ever. Lucy and Tate both started back at school and daycare yesterday, and next week I start my new job. I’ve already begun my position at Design for MiniKind and I’m slowly getting going on my Go Mighty Challenge. It’s been hard to get up and at ’em, but I’m hoping next week and a more scheduled day will help me get motivated. Until then, here are some fun New Years themed links to get you through the weekend…

Nat the Fat Rat has a great 2012 round up that made me smile.

Why 2012 was the best year ever! (via Audrey of the Zesty Digest)

I love reading about how 2012 changed peoples lives!

I love this idea of making a few resolutions, but giving yourself credit for all the work you’ve done in the last year as well.

The Top 15 Songs of 2012 via Maggie Mason.

A New Years Ritual to get everyone started off right. Love this.

And finally, as a goodbye to the holiday season, here’s a video of Tate singing Jingle Bells on the porch swing in Colorado. Because, really, it’s adorable and if I don’t post it today, it will be too far past Christmas to make sense. Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you bright and early on Monday!

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