In 3, 2, 1…..

Today is a big day at Crazybananas headquarters. I can’t wait to share what I’ve been working on with you all, and I think you’re going to love it! Please bare with me as the site might seem a little….well….off today. I promise, if you stick around, there might be something fun in it for you (yup, a giveaway is headed your direction!).

get excited

Stay tuned!

(Photo by Christina Gepner)

Go Mighty Update

I’m still going strong on my Go Mighty goal of photographing 15 mothers by the end of the month. I’m almost halfway there, and I’m definitely starting to feel the crunch. Here are a few outtakes from some of my recent shoots. Aren’t these ladies beautiful?!


My most recent stories are up on Go Mighty, and I’d love for you to go read them. I feel so honored to be invited in to these women’s lives, and each one has a tale to tell. Motherhood is such a shared experience, I am so lucky to get to document it.

Angie – “Ever since I became a mother, my heart is both more fragile and yet more fierce than ever before.”

Tara – “You can listen to what everyone tells you about being a mom, but you won’t truly know how your life will be dramatically altered until you become one.”

Rachel – “Being a mother is a gift from God and it was what I am designed for.”

More to come…soon!

Movie Night: The Decoy Bride


This past Friday night, after a two hour crying fit by a certain 2-year-old who will not be named (ahem.), I decided I needed to turn everything off and just veg out. My new jobs are amazing so far, and I’m loving the flexibility, but the trade off has been that I’m constantly connected. At any moment I could be updating the Crazybananas Facebook page at the park while pushing a swing or retweeting a post for Sweet Lemon Magazine or emailing sources for Design for MiniKind research or setting up lunch appointments for Umbrella Medical Systems. The connectedness is amazing…and also overwhelming. So when my phone died around 9 p.m. on Friday, instead of charging it, I left it as it was and snuggled up on my couch for movie night. I knew I wanted something a bit comedic, romantic, and sweet, so I started searching through Netflix and ended up finding The Decoy Bride.

Now, I’ll be honest here…I totally picked this movie because it stars the 10th doctor from Doctor Who, David Tennant. But it turned out to be perfect! It also stars Kelly MacDonald (from Trainspotting, Nanny McPhee, Boardwalk Empire, Gosford Park and on and on and on) and she was so, so good.

(Nerd Sidebar: Both David Tennant and Kelly MacDonald were also featured in the Harry Potter movies. Tennant played Barty Crouch in the Goblet of Fire and MacDonald was Helena Ravenclaw in the Deathly Hallows: Part 2!)

The movie didn’t get great reviews, and I’m sure it’s not for everyone, but I loved it. It takes place on a small island off Scotland, called Hegg, where an author and his movie star wife sneak off to get married in secret. Of course, things don’t go as planned, and the author ends up marrying the only single girl on the island (recently returned from the big city) to throw off the press. It sounds horrible, but throw in Scottish accents, the best actors, beautiful scenery and a little bit of an indie film vibe, and it was the best rom-com I’ve seen in ages. Turn off your phone, get a bottle of wine and enjoy!

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