Tate the Great

I am the worst at baby books. I mean, obviously, I’m not very crafty, and I honestly don’t do to well with written journal keeping (although I’m working on it!) so I have two, half-filled books with zero photos. I rule. When Lucy was two, I decided it was time to stop writing her monthly letters on the blog, and instead write them yearly. It was around this time I discovered Blurb, an online retailer that makes the most beautiful books out of your photos. I decided in lieu of a traditional baby book, I’d make one for Lulu by using Blurb to put together a book of images and words from those years of letters. I called it “Life with Lu” and it was a huge hit with my family.

I attempted once again with Tate to create a traditional baby book, but as I should have known, I never got around to completing it. So when he was around four weeks old, I decided to go ahead and start writing him letters on the blog as well, thinking I would compile them all in a Blurb book once he turned two. And as luck would have it, Blurb is a big sponsor of Alt Summit, which I am attending this week! They gave all the attendees a free book, and you could use the credit to make whatever you wanted. Enter, my new baby book, “Tate the Great.”


I love the look of these books, and I love that I now have a matching set. Huge thanks to Blurb and Alt Summit for making it a reality! And for all of you lazy moms out there that can’t complete a baby book…there is hope!



(I also use Blurb to make my yearly photobooks…check them out here! Or check out the NYC + KC Blurb book here!)

7 x 7 : Week 2


selling girl scout cookies with a few girls from the troop // my wedding song painted on canvas // my girl // tate’s first train set (a hand me down from lulu) // playing on the back porch after school // a sad balloon a day after it lost it’s helium // taking pics for an upcoming style shoot, lulu perfecting her model pout

(Week 1 is here)

Blast Off!!!

Welcome to the new and improved Crazybananas! As I’m sure you can tell, the big surprise was a major redesign of the site, and I couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out. Major, MAJOR thanks go out to Kendra Murphy, my designer and creator of all this awesome. We are still working out a few kinks here and there, so you may see some reshuffling in the next few days, and in a week or so I’ll go through an entire guided tour of the new site. But for now…a little something for you as a thanks for being such amazing readers!

Thank you

I’m giving away a $25 iTunes gift card as a thank you to all of you for sticking with me as we clean up around here! Yay for movies, music, TV, apps or whatever you use iTunes for! All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what your favorite color is. Yep, that’s it! The giveaway will close next Friday, January 25th, and I will announce a winner the following week. Good luck!

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