Decisions Are Hard

I love wearing glasses. I mean, I think I’ve talked about my love for my glasses about a million times (you can read one instance here) and that love isn’t going anywhere. People keep asking me when I’m going to get my eyes “fixed” and I have to say…I don’t think I will! At least, not now. My glasses are such part of my identity and style, I think I’d feel naked without them.

But just like any good wardrobe staple, my glasses need a little freshening up now and then. I haven’t bought a pair in two years, so I was due for another set of specs. I have slowly moved from thin, wire-rimmed to big, bold choices, but I don’t usually have the budget for designer frames. Even though I love getting input at the eye doctor or other specialty shops, their selections aren’t usually what I have in mind. Enter the amazing company, Rivet and Sway!

I love Rivet and Sway because their frames are super stylish AND they have a personal stylist on hand to help you pick out your favorites. Here’s how it works:

1. Go to Rivet and Sway online
2. Check out their awesome selection of styles
3. Create an account, enter your face shape and upload a picture (if possible…highly recommended)
4. Ritzy, the Rivet and Sway personal stylist, will email you with three sets of frames she recommends based on the info you entered (This is great, because you can email her back and forth with questions, send her photos, and she’ll even Skype with you! So rad!)
5. Rivet and Sway will send you three frames for free (either the ones Ritzy picked or others you like) to try for a few days. Take photos and upload them to social media where they will check you out and let you know their thoughts. Email Ritzy for more advice. Whatever you please!
6. Send the test frames back (shipping both ways is free as well) and then get back on Rivet and Sway online to order your faves.

So cool, right? I was super pumped when Rivet and Sway contacted me to try out some of their specs, since I was looking to add some pop to my current collection of heavy black and brown frames. These are the three Ritzy thought would look best on me…what do you think?!


1. Six Shooter in St. Tropez – Okay, disclaimer…I LOVE THESE! I totally wore them all day long to see if I could pull of the blue color and I think in the end I decided I didn’t care what others thought of them because they are amazing. But they could be too much, huh? Trent didn’t hate them, which is rare for him (quote: “I like them more than when you wear red lipstick…”). Lu loves them because blue is her current favorite color and she squealed when she saw me in them at school pick up.

Oh @rivetandsway, I think I love you! So fun finding these new specs on my doorstep today!

(Me, in the school pick up line…yes, I really wore them all day…)

2. Faster Pussycat in Crocodile – These are a slimmer version of the cat-eye frame, and I really like them. They were Trent’s favorites of the three I ordered. I like them, but they are quite a bit like what I already have.

3. Punchline in Moss Landing – These are a great version of the “geek glasses” that are super popular right now. They are more refined than what I’m wearing these days (see my current frames here) and would definitely be better for a professional setting. They’d probably also be more versatile.

Alrighty, now it’s time for you to weigh in! Trent, Lu and I have all picked our favorites (Tate had no opinion because none of the options featured Thomas the Train), but I want to know what you think. Should I go for the bold blue, the slim cat-eye or geek chic? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Thanks in advance and I promise to check back in with the ones I choose!

This product was provided by Rivet and Sway, but all words and opinions are my own.

Music to Remedy Your Writer’s Block


I made a rad playlist of songs to get you over your writer’s block over at Sweet Lemon Magazine’s Zesty Digest…go check it out! I’ve found myself in quite a creative rut lately, and a few of these tunes are helping me find my way out. Enjoy, and then write away!!!

(Self portrait of me trying to write last week in the middle of the night…)

Playing Hooky

Lu and I went ice skating!

If you’ve met me in real life, you probably already know this, but I’m a total rule follower. It doesn’t bode well for my creative side, but it’s true. For the most part, although I wish I was Angela Chase from My So Called Life, let’s face it, I’m really Sharon. Yes, Sharon. The horrible ex-best friend of Angela who follows all the rules and doesn’t understand Angela’s disobedient streak. Ugh, that’s almost worse than admitting of all the characters on Friends, I most identify with Monica. In fact, the husband used to call me Monica when we were dating. Super uptight and extremely nerdy…that’s my M.O.

A fancy tea party hosted by Miss Lu.

Buddies :) @mikaylastover

But right now I’m fighting ever rule follower bone in my body and I’m staying an extra day in my hometown instead of heading back to the big city for a regular Monday. Yes, Lu has school. Yes, I should probably be working. But instead I’m going to spend my Monday looking for cool rocks on the farm and playing on the swingset. We are camping out in our hometown, and I couldn’t be happier. So I’m calling us all in sick today. The flu is going around you know…we probably have it (knock on wood). My cure is going to be a few more hours teaching my girl how to ice skate at the rink where her father and I met, sledding down hills in a plastic swimming pool, attending very formal tea parties in the living room, eating way too much homemade fried chicken and taking 2.3 naps per day. The real world will still be there on Tuesday, right?

Farm sledding hill... #tractor #kansas


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