Happy Weekend!

happy weekend 2-16

Hey everyone! I hope you had a great week. We have a three-day weekend around here, and we got a little snow dumped on us last night, so for the most part we haven’t left our warm house. This evening Trent and I have date night (our first in months…that’s so sad) and I’m hoping to get a few more Go Mighty shoots done this week as well. Wish me luck!

Here are some links from around the web to keep you busy. Enjoy!

I LOVE this post about being intentional on Valentine’s Day. I think it could translate to any day of the year, actually.

I struggle to find movies we can all watch together…you too?

Why, hello there, cinnamon sugar doughnuts!

You guys, ice cubes are super hard to make. Just check out the reviews on the recipe.

I wonder what Trent would say if I serenaded him in song?

Twin babies laughing in the bathtub while hitting themselves in the head with buckets. Need I say more?

I really enjoyed this interview with author Pamela Druckerman, who writes about the keys to French parenting. I need to adopt some of her techniques for sure.

I know it’s nerdy, but I have loved the attention NASA and the space program has (finally) gotten this week. Check out these videos of the meteor streaking through the sky in Russia. Unreal!

Here are a few other posts I’ve written around the web this week!

Did you all know I was able to listen to a talk by Darcy Miller of Martha Stewart Weddings? It was pretty fantastic. Here are her five tips for party planning.

I wrote a post about my loving relationship with red lipstick, along with some tips on wearing it, no matter what your skin type. Red lips for all!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Love is Amazing and Also Horrible : Playlist

Valentines Playlist 2013

Don’t get me wrong, people, I am a fan of love. My favorite movies are romantic comedies where Meg Ryan kisses Tom Hanks at the end, so you could call me a connoisseur of love. Love is the best. All kinds of love. Gay love. Straight love. Puppy love. A mother’s love. I could go on forever.

But, you guys, seriously, love isn’t perfect. And though I have somehow inexplicably ended up happier in my little life that I ever imagined possible, sometimes I still want to punch love in the face. Or at least listen to some loud music about how horrible it is and purge some much needed angst. Because love is beautiful, but it can drive you f’ing crazy.

So I made you (and me, let’s be real) a little playlist full of everything. Some good love. Some sad love. Some love that needs to be punched in the face. Some people saying screw romantic love, let’s party with our friends (I love these people). Let’s soak it all in, everyone. I love you!

Love is Amazing and Also Horrible by Crazybananas on Grooveshark

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