It’s almost Spring, right? Because as much as I’ve loved the snow days (and trust me, I have loved them), I ready to be rid of all of this grey. I never have really been in the winter doldrums before, but this year has been particularly tough. Particularly wonderful as well, but I think when a lot of goodness is dumped on your head out of nowhere, it’s easy to sink into a funk. Which is where I’ve been for about three months. One big funk.
About two weeks ago I decided to make a few huge changes in my life, and while I know they are for the best, they have been a difficult adjustment. I find myself wanting to sleep much more than normal (I usually sleep only four hours a night…yeah, that was obviously not a sustainable lifestyle) and the sleepy fog over my head has made it harder to write here and elsewhere. Luckily I have a few smart people in my life who have advised me to slow down, so for the foreseeable future, I’m going to be posting here a bit less. I’m hoping the break will give my body and mind a chance to heal from years of totally overdoing it in every sense of the word and before I know it, I will be back here again, flooded with ideas and inspiration.
But until then, we always have Pinterest, right? Do we follow each other over there? We totally should! You can find me @Crazybananas and find all of my boards here. Here are a few of my recent pins that make me ache for Spring. It’s happening soon, right? Did I already ask that?
Last week, right under the wire, I completed my Go Mighty goal of photographing 15 mothers and capturing the essence of motherhood. I’m so happy and excited to share this with all of you! It’s hard to put into words how much work this goal ended up being, especially considering the time crunch, but I’m so glad I did it. Early on in this process I decided I wanted the 15th photo to be a self portrait, and I’m especially pleased with how it turned out.
If you think this photo looks idyllic or transcendent…you might want to head over to Go Mighty and read the real story behind it. Things are not always what they seem. A little excerpt…
Yesterday, after four snow days and a blizzard in my city, I realized I had to take the photo if I wanted to complete my goal on time. I set up the tripod in my closet and while I was getting my daughter from the other room, my son climbed under the tripod and knocked it over, almost destroying my expensive DSLR camera and busting my favorite lens. Then, as I put the kids on the bed, my son kicked my daughter in the face and almost broke her nose.
It was not a pretty scene.
I tell you this because I don’t want to sugarcoat what motherhood is. This picture turned out beautiful, but it is literally a millisecond in time, captured at the perfect moment when we were all looking happy and at peace. We don’t look perfect (this was at 1 in the afternoon and yes, we are still in our PJs, plus I am drenched in sweat from shoveling a driveway full of snow right before we took the photo), but motherhood isn’t perfect. It’s hard. Sometimes you get kicked in the face by your toddler and you want to scream. Sometimes you’d like a minute to pee without an audience. Sometimes your kid climbs out of their car seat while you’re driving and won’t get back in it and you have to pull over and put them in time out on a curb, while drivers stare as they pass you by. Sometimes your kid comes home crying about a mean girl at school and you have to figure out how to help without breaking down in tears yourself.
But the sum of all the parts…all these moments…good and bad, happy and sad, terrifying and joyful, all add up to a perfect human experience.
I encourage you to head over to Go Mighty and learn about my story of motherhood. And the stories of a few more mom’s I haven’t shared yet, like Beth…
These are all women with wisdom to share. I hope you click over and read all about them. In the next few days I’m going to share some more awesome news regarding this project…I’m so excited, I can hardly speak!
And also, thanks to you for indulging me as I completed this daunting goal. I know I’ve been half here and half there lately (snow days + big goals + real jobs + daily life almost swallowed me), but I promise, things will be back to normal soon. Whatever that means! 07:00:052013-03-03 21:24:31Go Mighty Update : I DID IT!
I found this via Girls Gone Child and I just wanted to share it with all of you working moms out there. We do not do this alone. Thank you so much to every person that has helped me raise my amazing children, especially Amanda, Caroline, Lauren, Molly, Amy, Stacey and Nancy. You have made the world a better place. 22:15:242013-02-27 22:27:38It Takes a Village
March Inspiration
/3 Comments/in Grumples, web /by MeganIt’s almost Spring, right? Because as much as I’ve loved the snow days (and trust me, I have loved them), I ready to be rid of all of this grey. I never have really been in the winter doldrums before, but this year has been particularly tough. Particularly wonderful as well, but I think when a lot of goodness is dumped on your head out of nowhere, it’s easy to sink into a funk. Which is where I’ve been for about three months. One big funk.
About two weeks ago I decided to make a few huge changes in my life, and while I know they are for the best, they have been a difficult adjustment. I find myself wanting to sleep much more than normal (I usually sleep only four hours a night…yeah, that was obviously not a sustainable lifestyle) and the sleepy fog over my head has made it harder to write here and elsewhere. Luckily I have a few smart people in my life who have advised me to slow down, so for the foreseeable future, I’m going to be posting here a bit less. I’m hoping the break will give my body and mind a chance to heal from years of totally overdoing it in every sense of the word and before I know it, I will be back here again, flooded with ideas and inspiration.
But until then, we always have Pinterest, right? Do we follow each other over there? We totally should! You can find me @Crazybananas and find all of my boards here. Here are a few of my recent pins that make me ache for Spring. It’s happening soon, right? Did I already ask that?
Ocean Swings via Beautiful Nomad // 3D Paper Flower Collage by Ann Ten Donkelaar via Honestly WTF // Orange Bicycle via Feaverish // Today Will Be Great via Alyssa Nassner
Anything you’ve seen that has inspired you lately? I’m also loving this and this and this. I could go on forever. Pinterest is wonderful/evil.
Go Mighty Update : I DID IT!
/3 Comments/in Finding My Path, Photos /by MeganLast week, right under the wire, I completed my Go Mighty goal of photographing 15 mothers and capturing the essence of motherhood. I’m so happy and excited to share this with all of you! It’s hard to put into words how much work this goal ended up being, especially considering the time crunch, but I’m so glad I did it. Early on in this process I decided I wanted the 15th photo to be a self portrait, and I’m especially pleased with how it turned out.
If you think this photo looks idyllic or transcendent…you might want to head over to Go Mighty and read the real story behind it. Things are not always what they seem. A little excerpt…
Yesterday, after four snow days and a blizzard in my city, I realized I had to take the photo if I wanted to complete my goal on time. I set up the tripod in my closet and while I was getting my daughter from the other room, my son climbed under the tripod and knocked it over, almost destroying my expensive DSLR camera and busting my favorite lens. Then, as I put the kids on the bed, my son kicked my daughter in the face and almost broke her nose.
It was not a pretty scene.
I tell you this because I don’t want to sugarcoat what motherhood is. This picture turned out beautiful, but it is literally a millisecond in time, captured at the perfect moment when we were all looking happy and at peace. We don’t look perfect (this was at 1 in the afternoon and yes, we are still in our PJs, plus I am drenched in sweat from shoveling a driveway full of snow right before we took the photo), but motherhood isn’t perfect. It’s hard. Sometimes you get kicked in the face by your toddler and you want to scream. Sometimes you’d like a minute to pee without an audience. Sometimes your kid climbs out of their car seat while you’re driving and won’t get back in it and you have to pull over and put them in time out on a curb, while drivers stare as they pass you by. Sometimes your kid comes home crying about a mean girl at school and you have to figure out how to help without breaking down in tears yourself.
But the sum of all the parts…all these moments…good and bad, happy and sad, terrifying and joyful, all add up to a perfect human experience.
I encourage you to head over to Go Mighty and learn about my story of motherhood. And the stories of a few more mom’s I haven’t shared yet, like Beth…
…and Lane…
…and Yaschicka…
…and Rita…
…and Ruth…
These are all women with wisdom to share. I hope you click over and read all about them. In the next few days I’m going to share some more awesome news regarding this project…I’m so excited, I can hardly speak!
And also, thanks to you for indulging me as I completed this daunting goal. I know I’ve been half here and half there lately (snow days + big goals + real jobs + daily life almost swallowed me), but I promise, things will be back to normal soon. Whatever that means!
It Takes a Village
/1 Comment/in Lucy, Tate, Work /by MeganI found this via Girls Gone Child and I just wanted to share it with all of you working moms out there. We do not do this alone. Thank you so much to every person that has helped me raise my amazing children, especially Amanda, Caroline, Lauren, Molly, Amy, Stacey and Nancy. You have made the world a better place.