Life Lately…

This guy is having a hard day :(

I had big plans for this week…like BIG ones. But as life has tended to do lately, it threw us a curve ball in the form of one very sick little boy. Tate’s been fighting an uber-virus that stared out looking like a weird allergy. Now we are in full on flu mode, with a sad boy who can’t seem to do much other than lay on me and moan. And watch Mickey Mouse clubhouse.

So in lieu of a real post, here are a bunch of Instagram photos from the last few weeks. I stopped sharing these on here because I felt like most of you were following me on Instagram anyway so it was a bit redundant. But there’s nothing like redundancy when you have puke on your PJs and you need to get a post up, right?!

(Oh, and if you’re not following me on Instagram, I wish you would! It’s become my go-to social media outlet and I love posting there. You can find me @crazy_bananas.)

Trent snapped this tonight of my sick babe...he never snuggles so this isn't a great sign :(

Rain + daylight saving = coffee and wellies

George's Secret Key to the Universe by Lucy & Stephen #Hawking, read by Lucy Peters

We had a challenging week, so I decided it was takeout and ice cream cake for dinner!

Morning, from Eyelashes and his mama.

Working on a DIY for the next issue of @sweetlemonmag tonight! #Gatsby

Tate left me a gift on my nightstand... #boys #thomas #theyreeverywhere

First Daddy-Daughter Dance...oy my heart. #love

They made a snow slide! #snowday

Getting the sillies out of our systems before we are buried in snow and stuck at home.

Goodnight Valentine. #sodukuinbed

Giveaway!!! : Kansas City Home & Garden Show

Home Show & Flower Lawn Garden Logo REVISED

Hey, Crazybananas readers, I have a great giveaway for you this rainy Saturday! Today I’m giving away two tickets to the Kansas City Home Show and Flower, Lawn & Garden Show on March 22nd thru March 24th! Founded by the Home Builders Association of Kansas City, the Home Show has been a tradition for sixty five years. Bartle Hall in downtown Kansas City will be teeming with hundreds of exhibitors to showcase new opportunities and choices for homeowners to get a jump on spring home and garden projects.

The headliner on the Spaces Stage will be Lonni Paul, HGTV Design Star Finalist and designer to celebrities. She is a contributor to the Style Network’s Giuliana & Bill show (!) and designed their Brentwood home. Lonni is known for championing purity, clean lines and a refined modern vision with understated elegance. She also created an infant and children’s furniture collection called PetitNest, that she co-created with actress Tiffani Amber Thiessen (yes, from Saved by the Bell and the original 90210).

Along with tons of amazing presenters and vendors, there will be lots to do for the whole family! The Kids’ Corner will be hosted by KC Bricklab, which is the LEGO® user’s group for the Kansas City region. They will have custom LEGO® creations (called MOC’s in LEGO®, which stands for My Own Creations) on display including a replica of the Seville Tower on the Country Club Plaza. Children of all ages who attend the Home Show are invited to come to the Kids’ Corner booth and design their own LEGO® creations with the help of KC Bricklab “Buddy Builders!” You can also enter to win a large LEGO® building set.

To enter to win two tickets (which will work for all three days) to this awesome show, please leave a comment under this post saying what you’d love to renovate within your living space if you had all the money and resources in the world. I’ll start…I’d renovate our backyard, which is currently such a WASTE of a huge space. I’d add a playset and a huge garden, along with a BBQ pit and outdoor chimney. I’d also renovate our weird back porch area in to an outdoor play area for the kids/greenhouse. So, you know…nothing too big. I’m sure it’s totally do-able!

The giveaway will be closed at midnight on Thursday, March 14th, and the winner will be announced on Friday, March 15th. Good luck, and I hope you win!!!!

The prize for this giveaway is provided by the Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City and the presenting sponsor MattressFIRM. All opinions are my own. For information and tickets, go to, or pick up tickets at Hen House, Sun Fresh or Bank of Blue Valley. Children 16 and under are free. On Sunday make a donation to Harvesters of 5 non-perishable items or $5 for a 2-for-1 admission. Show hours are Friday, March 22, 10 AM to 8 PM, Saturday, March 23, 10 AM to 8 PM and Sunday, March 24 from 10 AM to 6 PM.

Happy Weekend!

happy weekend 3-9

Well, hello there, friends! I missed last week’s weekend roundup, and now I feel like I’m so behind on my Internet surfing/blog reading. Part of my effort to slow down and breathe a bit means I’ve gone back to posting only three times a week instead of five, and spending much less time online in general, so I haven’t had a huge list of things to share like I normally do. Don’t get me wrong, the Internet is an amazing place, but sometimes you need to turn down the noise in order to find a few beautiful songs. So here are a few wonderful links that got me smiling during a very non-smiley week. I hope they make you smile too!

Surprising friends and neighbors with door decorations is now on my list of things to do…it doesn’t have to be Valentine’s Day in order to share some love!

A beautiful article on slowing down, from my friend and mentor, Erin Loechner. She’s a wise, wise woman.

Three solid reasons to like people.

What it feels like to have an eating disorder. This is fascinating and heartbreaking. (Written by Rita, one of my 15 Mothers participants)

How to be two years old.

This article in the New York Times was written by Nora Ephron’s son about her final days…I have no words. My heart just aches. The writing is haunting and lovely, well worth a read, but bring a box of Kleenex.

“I will not make myself busy so that I can tell my peers I am busy. I will not compare myself to you. I will not give into my dopamine cravings for more likes on facebook posts. I will not succumb to the rapidly increasing speed of this Western culture.” – Read more here.

Two people, two cultures, one wedding…pure magic.

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