My First Piece in Sweet Lemon Magazine!

Sweet Lemon Screen Shot

I’m so, so excited to share my first article published in Sweet Lemon Magazine. I wrote a piece about a fun DIY I’ve been wanting to share for ages. I hope you head over to Sweet Lemon Magazine and check it out! While you’re there, take a glance at the amazing relaunch of the site and the new branding that is all over the place. The Sweet Lemon team worked so hard on this redesign and I think it looks pretty darn fantastic!

The Wisdom of Two Year Olds

Getting shorts on this boy was so dramatic! He thought they were "broken" pants. #2yearold

Hey, hey, it’s FRIDAY! I hope you all are gearing up for a fun weekend, and if you celebrate Easter, I hope you get lots of pink jellybeans in your basket (they’re the best kind, in my opinion). We are getting ready to head back to the farm to spend the weekend with family, but I wanted to share a quick story before I go. As you all know, this week the Supreme Court is hearing a case that might help decide the future of marriage equality in this country. If you know me at all (or have been reading this blog for any sort of time), you know I’m a huge supporter of marriage equality and equality in general. I was raised to believe that people can love whoever the heck they want, and I’m raising my kids with the same lessons. In fact, Lucy has several friends with same sex parents and doesn’t understand what all the hoopla is about some people not wanting same sex couples to be married. Tate is still a little young to understand any of this…I mean, his greatest concern in life is whether or not his Thomas the Train is within two inches of him at all times….so we haven’t yet spoken to him about equality or government or anything that doesn’t directly relate to said train or the amount of macaroni he must eat before he has a cookie.

Today Tate and I were out to lunch when he started up with his adorable two-year-old antics. He started pointing at the other people in the restaurant and LOUDLY telling me all about them.

“Mama! That girl has macaroni too!”

“Mama, they lookin’ at me!”

“Mama eat noodles?”

“That boy wear a red hat!”

Et cetera and so on…you get the gist. A few tables over there were two 30-something men with their little baby, having a nice little lunch. Tate looked at them and screamed “TWO DADDIES! TWO!!!” while pointing at their table. I looked at him and said, “Yup, they have two daddies.” Tate immediately started laughing and cheering, “YAY!!! TWO DADDIES! YAAAAYYYYY!!!” He was so happy and excited that that little baby had two daddies, it made every inch of my body beam with pride. The two men looked over, laughed, smiled and waved at Tate, who clearly thought they were rock stars. I mean, how lucky is that family? They get TWO DADDIES!

I hope someday everyone can be as open and accepting as my crazy Tater. We could all learn quite a bit from wise, little two-year-olds….

Currently Listening To : Kacey Musgraves


Photo by Kelly Christine Musgraves

I’m about to blow your minds, people. My current favorite artist is a COUNTRY SINGER. Yes, country. Yes, me. I know, I’ll give you a second to compose yourselves.

Alright, now let me explain. Last year I contacted an incredible artist on Etsy who ended up doing an amazing family portrait drawing that I used on my holiday cards. Just in case you need a reminder, it looked like this…


Well, this artist is also a photographer, and I started following her via social media. From this I found she has a super-talented sister (seriously, the genetics of this family amaze me) who was an up and coming country music artist. Her new album “Same Trailer, Different Park” was just released last week and it’s number one on the country music charts. And for good reason! Her talent as a songwriter and storyteller are incredible. She’s thoughtful, poised and just fantastic. Apparently I’m a country music fan now.

Her lead single is “Merry Go Round” (which I love), but my current favorite song on the album is “Follow Your Arrow” because I’ve literally NEVER heard a country song like it. It’s so open and smart and perfect.

So, from me to you, get out and buy this album…and not just a song or two on iTunes, the whole shebang. Close your eyes, turn up the volume and be amazed.

(This video of Kacey hearing her song on the radio for the first time makes me love her even more!)

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