Happy Weekend : Sneak Peek

I’m so excited it’s Friday. It’s been a fun, but full, week around here! Lucy started theater camp during the day, and along with my normal work schedule, I also had two photo shoots with some fun people. Tomorrow we have Lucy’s big performance debut as “The Narrator” in the fractured fairy tale “The Three Little Elephants,” and then we have zero plans for at least a week. I think we’ll be spending a lot of time at the pool! We’ll finally be finishing up Lucy’s redecorated room (which we’re completing with the assistance of The Land of Nod, yay!) too. Can’t wait to share the finished product with all of you!

Here a few sneak peeks from the shoots I did this week. Love these cute families!





Summer Playlist 2013

Summer mixtape

It’s that time again, where I share a little bit of what’s been playing in my earbuds lately. When I was putting together this playlist, I was basically imagining I was the one in charge of the playlist at our local pool, and let me tell you, I got a little squirrelly with all the imaginary power! I am more than aware that my taste in music certainly isn’t what one would call “popular” (I hope you used air quotes while reading that sentence), but I sure do like it. So if you’re looking for a little infusion of indie rock, indie pop, electronic, and more Daft Punk than is probably legal (I may be a teeny bit obsessed with their new album), you’re in the right place.

Happy summer! Let’s boogie.

Summer Mix 2013 by Crazybananas on Grooveshark

P.S. Please note the Robert Delong song is NOT the edited version, so if you’re at work, keep those speakers low (and f’ing dance!)

Happy Weekend : Little Free Library

Little Free Library

Happy Friday, everybody! If you’re looking for something fun to do with the kids this weekend, why not see if there’s a Little Free Library in your town? The Little Free Library project began to promote literacy and free books for everyone, and it has taken off! You take a book with you (or a monetary donation) and you can trade for whatever book you’d like in the library. We found this one in our town using this map, and made it in to a bit of a scavenger hunt. The kids were so excited, and already want to go back and check out another book. There are a few more in Kansas City, so we’re going to try and visit them all. We have even discussed hosting a Little Free Library of our own! So fun!

For more info, check out the Little Free Library website!

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