Happy Happy Merry Merry (and not sorry)


I have a confession to make. Okay, here it goes…deep breaths. Friends, I love Christmas. Oh, I love it so very much. It’s a little ridiculous, I know, but I can’t help it! Remember back in August when everyone was pissed that random stores had already started stocking their holiday decor? The grumps and the grinches were all over social media, and heck, even those who like the holidays were annoyed. But me? Well…let’s just say I did a happy dance!

Here is my deal, I’m not sure if it’s because I’m in my 30s now, or if I’m just turning into an old maid, but every single day seems to fly by in an instant. Yesterday Lucy was talking with her adorable lisp and calling eyebrows “eye-bros”, and now she is better at math than I am. This is disturbing. I do not approve.

Christmas Card Photo Session
(Fat baby Lucy under her first Christmas tree….waaaahhhhh! Stop growing up! Also, Molly is in the background giving the stink eye…)

The holidays are so wonderful, but they are so short. And hectic. And downright stressful! All of which makes the season go so quickly, which, in my opinion, is dumb. I love Christmas lights, they brighten up my day, so if I want to put some up in September, sue me.

If it was up to me, my whole house would be exploding with tinsel, but I happen to live with a little bit of a Scrooge (some would call him a rational human person, but whatever, I’m sticking with bah humbug) who rolls his eyes and looks at me disapprovingly when he sees the mini-tree I’ve already set up in Tate’s room. Calm down, y’all, it’s about three inches tall and it’s awesome, harumph.


So yes, I am playing Christmas music in my car. And okay, yes, I also bought new ornaments today. And a glittery sign for my mantle. It’s okay, I promise. Next week is Thanksgiving, and then you can all join in on the fun!

Missing Molly

Molly Rotty

I’m a little sad today, friends. One year ago today we had to say goodbye to the most wonderful dog in the world, Professor Molly McGoo, PhD. I’m still not over it. I miss her sweet face, the sound of her nails clicking on the kitchen tile and her tail thumping on the stairs when she’d see someone coming her direction. She was truly a special creature, and I’m starting to worry we’ll never find another pet as perfect for our little family. Tate still points at her photo and asks where she went, and Lucy keeps her ID tags on the dresser in her room. We are all ready for a new pet to join our home, but we still haven’t quite found the right one. The last few weekends the kids and I have visited a few shelters, but while there were lots of great animals looking for homes, there weren’t any that seemed to fit in with our crew.

We will keep looking, and I know we’ll find him or her eventually. I mean, Molly was found on a random, unplanned stop to a (now defunct) local shelter and she was total perfection. Man, oh man, I miss that dumb dog.

Stiller and Meara

I was browsing on Hulu the other day and saw this fantastic web series called Stiller and Meara, which features Ben Stiller’s parents, Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara. The two are both comedians who have been married for almost 60 years, and became famous as a comedy duo on the 1960s and 1970s, doing appearances on TV like The Ed Sullivan Show. The new series was taped a few years ago, and the two cover topics from Lindsay Lohan to Unemployment Insurance. I can only hope in 50 or 60 years I’ll still be as funny as these two…well, I’m probably not that funny today, but that’s not the point. Enjoy a little bit of Stiller and Meara!

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