Give Thanks, Eat Pie

I got bored = I attempted to get crafty... ✂️ #craftpack #thanksgiving #thankful

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! I’m feeling pretty lucky to have found myself in the midst of another Thanksgiving where I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my life and everyone in it. Last year, I had no idea where I would be today. To be honest, last year’s Thanksgiving was fairly traumatic. We buried our sweet dog, I had just quit my job, and the future was uncertain and scary. This year feels different…like something really amazing is happening in and around me. I’m not quite sure what it all means yet, but I know it’s something to be especially grateful for. Life is good and beautiful and awesome.

Since I haven’t done an Instagram round-up for a while, I thought it might be a good time to share some iPhone photos of a few things I’m grateful this year. I hope you have a fantastic holiday, and I need you to do one thing for me…eat at least two slices of pie. Do it for me, okay? I promise to eat a few slices of my own in solidarity. We need to stick together, you know.


You Are Enough


(Image found via Bloom)

The other day I was on the phone with a friend who had one of those hard mothering days. We’ve all had them. I had one just a day ago myself. These are the days when I’m too short with Tate as he tells me for the twentieth time he “has a problem” as I’m trying to put him to bed. The days when Lulu disobeys a rule, and then when she gets caught, tells me she hates our family and wants to run away. The days when despite my greatest efforts, I can’t seem to do anything right. You know the ones I mean…the ones when bedtime can’t come early enough and when the house is finally still you want to curl up in to a ball and cry.

I posted this image on Pinterest that same day, and my friend said she was scrolling through and it really spoke to her. The holidays are a hard time for recovering perfectionists like me. Just being, enjoying and taking it all in never seems like enough. There is always one more card to send or gift to shop for. The the To Do List is constantly growing, and rarely are there more items crossed off than are added. Thinking about it makes my chest get all tight and a panicky sweat creeps over my brow.

But it’s true. What you did today, whatever it was, is enough. There need not be more. You can put the list to bed, and leave the rest for tomorrow. Or not. You can throw the list away if you want to. Just remember, you’re enough.

Questions of Eternal Significance : Bangs or No Bangs

So, it’s been officially about 2 years since I rocked a sweet fringe on my forehead. (Yes, this is a post about hair…vapidness at it’s best!) I have to say, I’m getting a little antsy! I am thinking about taking the plunge and returning to the Blunt Bangs Brigade. But, as always, I am still undecided. On one hand, I loved my bangs. They gave me a fresh look without chopping off all my hair, they looked great with a ponytail or bun, and winter hats always looked adorable. On the other hand, my hair is so easy right now and bangs in the winter can get all electric with static. Also, last time I had bangs my hair was a few shades lighter than my natural color, so I’m not sure if I’d like them as much with my darker hair. Oh, the debate is endless! What do you think, friends? Bring back the bangs or keep my no-fuss locks?


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