Things to Remember

Growling voices, pretending to be monsters. Hiding under beds and blankets.
Pre-bed dance parties, elaborate shows with intermissions and multiple curtain calls.
Sweet cheeks resting on mine as he snuggles in for a nap, both hands holding my face telling me not to leave.
Yelling from the car, “I love you!” and seeing her eyes light up as she waves back.
“I’m never too old, mama. I will never be too old for snuggles. Not even when I’m in college.”
The fighting. They scream at each other with the passion of two little people who are so different and yet so very alike. They hate each other. They love each other. They despise each other. They are each other’s heart.
They call each other “teddy bear.” When one falls and scrapes a knee, the other comes running. “Teddy bear, oh my teddy bear.” In the morning it’s “wake up, teddy bear.” Then they nuzzle into each other and hold on tightly.
Mysteries and games, made up outside. They come in, telling of their clues and what they’ve found. I play along, following the trail, seeing their faces brighten when I pretend to find a new clue they’ve left in the open for me to stumble upon. They giggle, trying to cover their glee.

Happy Second of December!!!

We had so much fun making this holiday video last year, I had to share again! I doubt we will make one this year, due to our star’s dislike of the camera these days, but luckily I feel like last year’s stands the test of time. Happy December 2nd!

A Little Highway Sing-a-Long

This week I’ve been lucky enough to see some of my best friends that I haven’t seen in WAY too long. You know those people that just get you, even when you haven’t seen them in months or years? The ones who understand the weird language that comes out of your mouth, when no one else understands what the heck you’re talking about? Yeah, I got to hang out with those people and they make everything awesome. I saw this video last week and thought to myself, I’m gonna make the girls do this with me over the holiday…did it happen? You’ll just have to wait and see. Until then, enjoy, smile and call your best friend. They probably miss you too!

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