It’s Okay, Try Again

I heard this song on our favorite radio station, Sirius XM Kids Place Live (which, by the way, is free this week if you have a Sirius XM radio receiver in your car, but don’t have a subscription), and it felt like something I wanted everyone to hear. It’s okay, guys. Try again.

A Snow Day, in Photos

“The very fact of snow is such an amazement.” – Roger Ebert





“There is just something beautiful about walking on snow that nobody else has walked on. It makes you believe you are special.”
– Carol Rifka Brunt





“Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.” – Vista M. Kelly







365 Grateful

This year I’m taking a simple approach to gratitude via social media, and I’m participating in the #365grateful project on Instagram. I feel like I’ve sort of been a lame blogger lately, using mostly mobile phone photos, not writing very often, blah blah blah, but I’m digging the simple things. And what’s simpler than seeing something amazing in your life, snapping a pic and sharing how blessed you feel to have experienced it? Life is so good right now, so lovely and warm (even though it’s freezing outside) and magical and joyful, I have found myself wanting to spend less time blogging it, and more time living it. This is just the swing of things, I suppose, in a few weeks or months I’ll probably be on a blogging binge again. But for now, a few grateful iPhone photos will have to do.

Starting a cleanse tomorrow, so I'm celebrating with the best ever, Dr. Pepper and Red Vines... #365grateful

My loves. #365grateful #latergram #hug #blurry #sister #brother #love #blessed #pattern #kczoo

"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer" - Albert Camus #serenity #365grateful #joy #love #happy #recovery

Love really is all around...#365grateful #heart #rock #love

She reads to him using lots of funny voices  #365grateful #reading #brother #sister #love #bedtime

Friday night party pals. #puppy #rottie #instateddy #teddygram #snuggle #bestfriends #365grateful

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