Happy Weekend!


I know it’s been kind of blah blah boring around this here blog lately, but one upside of being unable to write or create here has been I have more time to get back to reading all of my favorite blogs. I just love reading blogs. People are so awesome and I love the whole community of amazing people who share their stories, photos, loves, and silliness on the world wide web. I feel a kinship with them and their stories are my stories. Here are some of my favorite posts from the last few weeks:

The Three Levels, by Glennon at Momastery
I feel like this could totally change how I communicate with people. In a good way! I think some days I’m at level three, but probably I spend most of my time at level two…here’s to level three all the time!

A Harry Potter Themed Birthday Party, by Michelle at So Wonderful, So Marvelous
O.M.G. Michelle knocked it out of the park, and is it weird I want this for MY next birthday instead of for one of my kids? That’s normal, right? Totally. Okie dokie.

Taza’s New York City Guide: Upper West Side, by Naomi at Love Taza
I dream of NYC more often then ever these days…for whatever reason, whenever I’m feeling stuck in my own head, NYC is where my brain wanders. This video takes me to my happy place.

Fashion Friday: Inspiration, by Lane at Misc.
I love the idea of looking at the people whose looks inspire you, and then finding some common themes. I need to do this, for sure. I think I might be surprised at what I find! (Lately my wardrobe has been exclusively jeans, a button down plaid shirt/grey t-shirt/grey sweatshit, saltwalter sandals or grey tennies…I think I may need to punch it up a notch…)

The Turn Around, by Rebecca at Girls Gone Child
Oh, my heart. I can already tell the moment is coming when I’m not my child’s favorite person anymore, and I know it’s gonna hurt. Even though I understand it’s all part of growing up, I’m really not looking forward to it. Ooof.

To Tell You The Dreams You Have Really Do Come True, by Nat at Hey Natalie Jean
On the opposite end of the parenting spectrum, three-year-old boys really are the best, you know? And learning the words to Frozen is imperative to a good parenting regimen.

Read anything awesome lately? I’d love to find a few new reads!

Happy weekend, friends! May it be full of sunshine, an ice cream cone or two, headbands made of dandelions and fizzy drinks!

Holding On

I feel like I’ve lost a major coping mechanism in my life. Somewhere I could always feel better, more joyful, even when I was struggling. A place where I could pour my heart out, even if it felt like an insane thing to do, and I’d feel less alone. There is a saying, “I write because I don’t know how I feel until I read what I say (Flannery O’Connor).” This, my friends, is the crux of it all. I have to write. I am not a debater, or someone who skillfully wins arguments with flair and a smirk on my face. Nope, I mumble and second guess and question myself. I say things like, “You might be right” or “I believe you believe that.” I am not argumentative. I am not eager. It’s just not me.

However, I do have opinions. I have thoughts and feelings and grand ideas and silly ideas. I like to cultivate my questions until I’ve been over them a hundred times in my own head. Then I let it all pour out on a computer screen or in a notebook until my heart and head feel purged.

For the longest time, this place, this weird, strange land of the Internet, was where my thoughts landed. When my brain raced with excitement, I would write here. I’d share my fear with you and I felt immediately better. This is my home.

But lately, there have been things I just can’t write about. It’s too raw, too real and too f’ing scary, honestly. A few weeks ago, at my daughter’s school carnival, some sweet tween girls came up to me and said, excitedly “You’re Crazybananas!” They remembered me from a writing workshop I had done a few months back. “My aunt reads your blog, she loves it!”

There is something supremely strange and wonderful about knowing some girl’s aunt is reading your deepest mental musings. But it’s also terrifying. Because I can’t just put it out there anymore. There has to be some censorship, not only to protect myself, but my family. And that’s hard. Really, really hard. All of a sudden, my sacred place isn’t the same anymore. I cannot share my struggles, and so, instead, there is silence.

For a while I tried just posting photo shoots or sweet images of my blessed life, but then my computer went kaboom (something about not backing it up and not enough memory…whoops), and now I’m just sitting here. No images. No wise words. Just a blank screen and a blinking cursor.

Blink. Blink. Blink.

Just know I miss you. I miss our talks, friends. I’m finding it hard to share about silly, trite things, when life is seemingly so complicated right now. But I still love my life. I love hats and Britney Spears and sales at H&M and Doctor Who and red lipstick. And maybe now that I’ve emptied this load in my brain, I can get back to some of the fun stuff. Because, you guys, life is actually really fun. Even when it seems like it isn’t. Actually, that’s probably when it’s the most amazing.


Big Splash for Big Brothers Big Sisters


The other day the kids had a half day of school, and we were looking for something fun to do. As a Big Sister in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, I’m always looking for ways to support this organization. This spring, BBBS has partnered with Great Wolf Lodge in Kansas City, Kansas to offer discounted day passes to their indoor waterpark in an event called Big Splash. This is one of the few times during the year when people are permitted to use the waterpark without staying at the hotel, which is pretty pricy! At $10 per person, this is a steal! We ended up spending the entire afternoon splashing and playing, and the kids had an amazing time. If you are looking for a fun activity, Big Splash is definitely the way to go!

To buy your own day pass tickets, click here. For more information on Big Splash for BBBS, click here.

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