8 Great iPhone and iPad Apps for Kids

I have some fun news, friends! I am officially working with the awesome website, Pixelkin.org! Pixelkin is a site created by gamers who are now parents, which focuses on video games and other screen time activities and how they affect our kids.

Pixelkin covers the latest news, reviews, and developments in games—with a special focus on families. Whether you’re concerned about learning opportunities, exposure to violence, or screen time—or you’re just trying to keep up with your kids—we’re here to help.

You can learn more about Pixelkin here, and I’m so pumped to be working with them! My first post went up today, and it focuses on a few awesome iPhone and iPad apps for kids.


How did people parent before smartphones or mobile tablets? I received my first iPhone when my daughter was about 3 years old, and having that magical little box with us on long trips or in the doctor’s waiting room has been such a lifesaver. I use the iPhone or our recently purchased iPad Mini for everything, from getting directions to meal planning. I even use it as a white-noise machine (a great white-noise machine app, here) when we’re staying in a hotel. These devices make it easy to travel light, which is quite a feat with kids in tow!

You can read the entire post here!

Vlog Numero Uno – On Self-Care

Okay, you guys…I did it! This is my very first attempt at a video blog (aka, a vlog) and can I just say something honest? I am terrified to post this here. I feel like a total dorkface, and that silly voice in my head is telling me every reason I shouldn’t post this. Don’t you hate that silly voice? The one that points out all of your flaws and scares the crap out of you? Well, I have heard that when my silly voice tells me I shouldn’t do something, I should probably just do the opposite. So here, for your viewing enjoyment, is a little video I put together on the concept of self-care, and how I’ve incorporated it into my life. It’s long, y’all. That’s probably the first thing I learned, once I get talking, I don’t really stop quickly, so in future vlogs I’m going to cut it to about 3 minutes. I know you guys like me, but I’m sure you don’t have six minutes to listen to me babble on…except there is a special reward for those of you who make it until the end (hint: jazz hands!).

I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments and ideas, both on the concept of self-care and the vlog format itself. Constructive criticism is welcome, but be kind, you guys. I’m a delicate flower.

Enjoy! Ahhhhh!

Entry with Audio

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