A Little Summer Break


We just returned home from a little holiday with Trent’s family in Idaho. I haven’t spent much time in that part of the country, but the few times I have, I’ve found it to be a magical place. Maybe it’s because I live in a humid, flat, suburban sprawl, but looking around at mountains, rivers and forests is so peaceful. We drove through Yellowstone and spent some time in Big Sky, Montana as well. On our way to the airport I realized for the first time in ages, I forgot my big DSLR camera at home! At first I was disappointed, but then I realized how nice it would be to travel lightly for once. Are my images as crisp or technically good as I’d like? Nope. But they are wonderful just the same. And I was able to experience all these moments as they happened, instead of through a viewfinder. Good stuff.

Happy 4th of July from Big Sky, Montana! #4thofjuly #family #fun #montana #bigsky #love #mountains #beauty

Lucy's first hot springs...she approves! #summer #vacation #idaho #heisehotsprings #fun #happy #hotsprings

His first time climbing! So proud of this little man! #rockclimbing #bigsky #montana

Bear World comes complete with a kiddie carnival. Score number 2! #whee #bearworld #idaho #carnival

This hedgehog is giving me the stink eye... #hedgehog #zoo #idaho #idahofalls

Bear World!!!! #score #christmascard2014 #growl #bearfamily #idaho

Bye bye, #idaho! #cousins #love #buddies #tateandbrooklyn #cute #family

This will be my last post for a while, as I’m taking my annual Digital Sabbatical for the rest of the summer. Summer is so fun for our little family, and I want to make sure I spend as much time as possible really living it. Sort of like leaving the DSLR camera at home, except this time it’s on purpose! This blog turned 10 years old this year, which is both parts amazing and unbelievable! But in order to keep it going, I need some time to refuel and make sure I’m taking in all that real life has to offer. There is a blogger I love and admire who hasn’t posted in months, and when a reader asked her about it, she said while she misses her blog, she finds she has a much more fulfilling real life when she’s not worrying about blogging all the time. I realize this blog is a part of me, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop posting completely, but a little summer break is definitely needed! Happy summer-ing, everyone!

(P.S. I’ll still be updating the Crazybananas Facebook and Twitter here and there, so follow on those if you’d like to keep up with our summer happenings. And of course, I’m sure I’ll still be Instagramming up a storm, so follow me over there for some images of our fun.)

Summer Beauty Staples


Summer in Kansas is hot. Like, really hot. Hot and humid and sticky and awesome, but definitely not a great time to be wearing a ton of makeup. Anything heavy or too dramatic, and you’ll find it sweating down your face in moments, so I tend to go for a super simple beauty routine in the summer. It’s quick, easy and tends to look good, even when it feels like a sauna outside.

Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer
– I love this product and it’s one of the few items where I will spend a bit more money. I’m a huge fan of drugstore brands, but this is an item I don’t mind investing in. It has SPF 20, which, in my experience, protects all day. It is light enough not to get cakey, but has enough coverage to help with discoloration. It’s the kind of make-up that enhances, but doesn’t cover up your natural beauty. It also provides that awesome dewy look, which is so perfect for summer. ($43.00 at Sephora)

Tarte Cheek Stain – This has lasted me so long the packaging doesn’t even exist anymore! So, yes, more expensive than drugstore brands as well, but totally worth it as it lasts FOREVER! This stuff gives your cheeks a little summer glow and keeps that same clean, fresh look I love in the summertime. ($30.00 at Tarte)

Neutrogena Healthy Skin Brightening Eye Perfector – This is a great concealer for summer, especially for those of us who have any puffiness or darkness under our eyes. It brightens and covers, but isn’t too heavy. A great product for a good price! ($13.99 at CVS)

Pro Airbrush Concealer Brush – I hate spending money on makeup brushes, and honestly, don’t do it very often. One of these days I’ll invest in them, but for now I choose a few that I know help out tremendously and stick with those. This concealer brush falls into that category. My undereye circles are probably my biggest problem area, and this brush has lasted me a few years, so it’s worth the investment in my opinion. ($24.00 at Sephora)

Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara – The greatest drugstore mascara of all time! I have more expensive mascaras, but I always come back to this one because of it’s staying power. I wear contact lenses and have pretty sensitive eyes, so I need something that won’t run down my face when my eyes water. This fits the bill perfectly! ($3.99 at CVS)

Eyelash Curler
– If you don’t have one, get one. Even if you can’t do anything else, if you can throw on some tinted moisturizer and curl your eyelashes, you’ll look ready to go, especially in the summer! ($13.99 at CVS)

Dang, This Just Got Real

Oh damn, this just got real. #mommobile #minivan #toyota #sienna #motherhood #suburbia

A few days ago, I became the proud owner of one minivan. Now, I should point out, this is not a huge deal for me. There are many moms and dads I know that have BIG issues with driving a minivan. And I get it, I really do, but though I have many (MANY!) hangups in my life, driving a minivan was never one of them. I am silly excited for this grown up car. Yesterday I drove the kids to the pool and they sat far enough away from each other they literally couldn’t fight! When we got there they both hopped out of their seats and hit the buttons to open their sliding doors while we all yelled, “GO GO GADGET-DOORS!” Turns out geekdom is actually a genetic trait, lucky kids.

I think much of this comes from being a youngish mom (especially early on, not so much now!), and for a long time feeling like I didn’t quite fit in. Now, there is no denying it, I’m a mom…driving a minivan. A carpool mom. A soccer mom. All that jazz. It actually feels pretty dang good.

Now…what to name the minivan? Current ideas are the batmobile, the mom-mobile, gadget-van and the black stallion. Seriously, geekdom is definitely genetic. And awesome.

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