Best Buds
Sawyer is back!!!! (and Mikayla too…)
Tate’s official BFF has been away for a long while, but he’s finally back in Kansas City, so we had a play date in the only place I could think of…my bed. That’s pretty much where I spend all of my time these days, so we just invited them in. All five of us (Lucy, Tate, Sawyer, Mikayla and I) squished in the big bed, watching cartoons, nursing, eating smoothies and basically having the best time ever.
Aw, Mikayla, remember the good old days when the “best time ever” meant getting wasted and eating late night Jimmy Johns. And look at us now! Whoda thunk it…
Mmmm….. jimmy johns…..smoothies….I can feel another date in your bed coming up!