Because Nucular Isn’t a Word
I think this whole voting predicament is best put into words by a fellow blogger, Mom-101:
“In truth, I am swinging between two teams like Anne Heche in her heyday. Every time someone gives me a good pro-Hill argument I’m like yeah! She’s my woman! Go Hill! And then every time I hear a strong Obama endorsement I’m like whoo yeah! Obama! Rock on!”
The best part of this primary is for the first time since I’ve been legally allowed to vote (not counting all the times I voted in elementary school elections) I will be happy no matter who wins. Yes, I do believe one of the candidates is more qualified and has touched more issues that matter to me on the campaign trail then the other, but still, the other one is so inspiring…it would be insane not to be ecstatic if he won. To be truly inspired by politics again, that is an amazing, wonderful thing.
So get out there and vote today. Whether you’re choosing between a woman and a black man (finally, I mean, isn’t it insane that this has never happened before?) or two rich, white guys….ahem….sorry, I was trying not to be biased…I meant between a great war veteran and a successful governor…yup, totally what I meant.
Honestly, just get out and vote. For whoever. Just exercise your right. This time we really can make change for our country and our world. Do it, people!!!
Click here to find your polling place.

I voted.
In the rain.
For the first time in my life.
Be proud.
As like the sole republican reader, i shall refrain from expressing any political opinions here. 🙂 Back to watching fox!