Baby, I’m Not Foolin’
Scene: In the car on the way to school this morning. It’s cold, snow covers the fields we drive past. It’s early, the sun is just beginning to rise. I’m flipping through every radio station on my dial, looking for anything that won’t make my ears bleed. The radio stations in Kansas City aren’t great. Or good. Really, they’re barely tolerable. I flip to a mix station that’s playing Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love.” Lucy sits quietly in the back. The song reaches its climactic guitar solo.
Lucy: “Mom, I LUF dis song!”
Begins thrashing around in her carseat, trying to sing along.
My child, at two-years-old, is already cooler than I was at sixteen. I immediately pictured my group of guy friends from high school, the same song blaring out of their beat up pickups in the middle of some field with Keystone Light cans littering the ground around them. I picture my high school boyfriend and his buddies, tapestries hanging on the wall, the smell of patchouli wafting through the vents.
And then I vow to never let my daughter date. Ever.

I knew there was something I loved about that child! Also, you can’t stop her from dating, just use technology to follow her everywhere : )
🙂 it’s great to hear how your little one is developing her own taste in music! Now you’ll just have to make sure she develops good taste in boyfriends.