Entries by Megan

Sawyer and Kayla Came to Visit

Last weekend our good buddies Mikayla and little Sawyer made the trek across the state line for a little visit and grill action. Sawyer and Tate are about four months apart and they are finally at an age where they sort of play together. Well, Sawyer tries to play sweetly and Tate throws rocks at […]

Tag, You’re It

Lulu Plays Tag Oh dear, I’ve done it again. There is too much, just too much going on, and instead of taking care of anything, I’m just over here in the corner rocking back and forth. OK, not really, but I am most surely overwhelmed with things both awesome and awful, which apparently leads to […]

15 Months

Dear Mr. Tate, Earlier this week you turned 15 months old, and look at me! I’m actually writing to you! I’m an overachiever, I know. When your sister was younger, I kept these letters up monthly until she was two years old, but this time around it’s been a bit harder. Mostly because I’m busier, […]

It’s Too Many Megan’s

I hear ya, 30 Rock… With love, A Megan Who Went to (Irish) Catholic School and Was Therefore Known As “The Other Megan” or “The Other Other Megan” for most of Her Adolescence P.S. The Ira Glass clip at the beginning is amazing. It’s like 30 Rock knew I’d be watching.

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