Entries by Megan

My New Boyfriend

Did you all hear I have a new boyfriend? Yup, you know it. It’s an iPhone! Tangible proof that prolonged nagging works, people! (P.S. Thanks husband!) My cute little iPhone has already simplified my life in so many ways, but the biggest advantage is it’s made me excited to create again, now that I always […]

A Little Show

Oh you guys…this video is a perfect embodiment of what life is like for us right now. I know it’s long, but trust me, I cut out a good 30 minutes to get down to this. Lucy told me she wrote a “show” and that Tate and I were to come watch it. She sings, […]

Reading is Fun(damental) …best joke ever!

Lately I’ve been trying to stem my television addition with some real life book readin’. I mean, I will never let go of my first love, that flickering screen full of drama and ridiculousness, as I have laundry to fold and drafts to write and I can’t do that while immersed in a good book. […]

Jayhawk Blast from the Past

This is Lulu and I four years ago, when KU played Memphis for the NCAA National Championship. Four years doesn’t seem like much until you look at photos of your kids. I mean, she wasn’t even two years old yet. She was around Tate’s age…well, a bit older, but still, she was one! Year! Old! […]

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