Entries by Megan

Sick Day

I am spending ANOTHER day at home with this little guy, who isn’t feeling very well. On one hand, I’m glad the kid is in daycare developing super-immunity…on the other hand, his poor body is just done. I took him to the doctor today and they were basically like, “Sorry, dude’s crabby.” Thanks for the […]

Dad and Lulu

They walked through the garden, spotting eggs and snatching them up. She explained to him how the eggs were hidden, the best way to find them, and that the jumbo ones were dinosaur eggs. She was dressed in her Easter finest, a dress from the stash left behind by girls who had spent years in […]

Baboons and Blanky’s

After Tate’s 15 Month update a few weeks back, a few people sent me messages doubting Mr. Tate could actually believe the word “baboon” meant “book.” Others asked why I didn’t correct him, since this was obviously going to be a limiting factor in his life. So I took this quick video to explain why. […]

It’s Here! NYC + KC, The Book!

Do you all remember waaaayyyy back in 2009? Back before Tate was even an idea in my head? Back when we had just moved to the suburbs? Back when doing the “put a ring on it” dance was considered so rad and totally new? Yeah, well, way back then my friend Theresa and I did […]

I Rule, Just As I Am

You ever had one of those days when you need a little Mark Darcy in your life? Well, I’ve had a few lately. Last night I decided I wanted a little Darcy staring me in the face every day, so I used this tutorial as a template and made myself a little reminder of my […]

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