Entries by Megan

It’s Here!

Oh Friday, I missed you! This week was another doozy for me. Fun and busy and crazy and sleepy and and and and. And. I’m looking forward to an easy weekend. Though I suppose any weekend with a toddler and kindergartener can’t really be considered “easy,” but hey, I’ll take what I can get. Wanna […]

Our Mother’s Day Gifts for 2012 (Shhhh)

Before anyone asks, no, none of the recipients of these gifts read this website. So I figured it would be fun to post what we gave out to our lovely mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers this year. {Click on photo to see in more detail} I took some of our favorite, recent Instagram photos and put […]

A Few Thoughts on North Carolina

One of my goals for 2012 is to try and be a more positive person in every aspect of my life. My ongoing quest to be happier has led me to the knowledge that while I can’t help being a sarcastic (and according to my husband, a snarky) person, trying to look on the bright […]

Mom Style – The Maxi Dress

Hi, everybody! Welcome to yet ANOTHER new section here on Crazybananas, simply titled “Mom Style” because I’m not great at thinking up post titles. Score one for me. My style has definitely evolved in a positive way since I had kids. I mean, you can find pictures of me out there as a young mom […]

Mother’s Day Roundup

Every year I am asked over and over again what I want for Mother’s Day. And really, I don’t want anything. I know, I know, I’m a saint. Or obnoxious. Whatever. But truly, all I really want for Mother’s Day is to a.) sleep in and b.) people to cook me food and serve me […]

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