Entries by Megan

Caps! Caps for Sale! 50 Cents a Cap!

Tate loves to read. He loves reading books more than eating, which is saying something, since that little guy will put down an entire pizza in one sitting if you let him. I’ve felt a bit guilty about the lack of reading time that Tate gets with me, especially in comparison to how much we […]

The Crazybananas Summer 2012 Playlist

First of all, I’m apparently 13 years old, because this video makes me so, so happy (via Lane). I mean…right?! If you wondering if plans are in the works for a Crazybananas version, THE ANSWER IS YES! And, also, you should probably be a little afraid. I am headed on a trip this week to […]

The Last Day of Kindergarten

Today is Lucy’s last day of Kindergarten and I have to say, I’m heartbroken. I’ve loved this year. This year Lucy has learned to read, learned addition/subtraction/some multiplication, loved P.E./art/music classes, had her first field day (photos below), cheered at her first high school football game, got her first report card, dealt with her first […]

I Love Kansas City – The KC Cafe

One of my favorite places to meet clients or just have an awesome lunch downtown is the KC Cafe (15th and Grand in Kansas City, Missouri). This place is local and not fussy, which is one of my favorite things to find in a restaurant. I have total restaurant phobia, which means I can get […]

It’s the Weekend and I Need a Nap!

Last night I climbed into bed after hosting a gaggle of lady friends for supper club at our house and I just wanted to sleep for a few days. Months. Years. It’s been that kind of week. Mother’s Day and crazy work deadlines and graduation and dinner parties and my brain is on empty. But, […]

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