Entries by Megan

Facebook Giveaway : Humans of New York

You’re probably thinking, “What, another giveaway?!” Well, I honestly hadn’t planned on doing two giveaways within a month, but then something fun happened. Our little Facebook community started to grow, and I swore that when we reached 300 followers, I’d do a little giveaway to thank everyone over there for all the love and support […]

Unstyled : 002

It’s the second edition of Unstyled, and lookie here, it’s SPRING in Kansas City! I actually had an entirely different outfit planned for this post, but then the weather was so gorgeous, I had to switch it up. The main item I wanted to highlight in this post is my favorite bag in the whole […]

Blog Conference Essentials

This Friday and Saturday is the Go Blog Social Conference, and I couldn’t be more bummed that I’m missing it! Unfortunately, due to a few family obligations and work commitments, I wasn’t able to attend this year, but I know everyone there will have a fantastic time and learn so much from all the creatives […]

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