Entries by Megan

Mom Style: What to Wear to a Farm Wedding

We are headed out for a fun wedding weekend at the family farm, and I still have no idea what the heck I’m going to wear. My car is full of cocktail dresses, since I not only have to dress up for the wedding, but also two dinner events over the long weekend. Lucy is […]


Anyone who knows me knows how in love I am with my iPhone. Honestly, it’s a little ridiculous. One of my favorite parts of having this magic machine in my hands has to be the camera. On our recent trip to NYC, I brought my big ole’ monster camera and lens, but I never even […]

Six. Years. Old.

Dear Lucy, Today you turned six years old, and as I say every single birthday, I just can’t fathom it. You’re six! SIX! At your dance recital on Friday my mom brought you my school picture from when I was six, and I almost started bawling. I remember so much about being six. For me, […]

New York City Wrap Up

Instead of my normal weekend roundup/Instagram photos of the week, today I figured I’d post a wrap up of our fun Memorial Day weekend in New York City. Trent and his business partner were amazing enough to treat us to this trip to celebrate the five year anniversary of the start of their company. I […]

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