Entries by Megan

Why I Don’t Have Time to Post…

Every day I’ve been trying to fight the summertime working mom “guilt” (I hate that word, boo!) by doing some summery activity after work. I pick the kids up from daycare and then we’re off to the pool or sprinklers or baseball games or somewhere else where I can take photos of them so someday […]

Father’s Day

This is by far one of my favorite videos on dads…hope all you amazing ones had your love repaid in full! And to my dad and husband, thanks for not only taking care of my kids, but me too! You guys are the best!

Happy Weekend!

Hooray, it’s the weekend! And for the first time in MONTHS, we have nothing going on. No recitals or birthdays or weddings or airplane trips or school events or soccer games or dance classes…NADA! I might be a little excited about this. I think we’re going to try and splash around in the sprinklers with […]

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