Entries by Megan

Just Dance. Seriously.

Whenever I find myself feeling sulky and mopey, a good song can switch up my entire attitude. Lately I’ve been playing a long rotation of songs from a playlist I call, “Over it. Let’s dance.” It’s Monday, so I figured many of you might be feeling a bit mopey too. I’m over it. You too? […]

Happy Weekend!

Hooray, it’s finally Friday! Did this week fly by for you? Because I could swear it’s still Wednesday in my brain. We are headed to the lake today for a fun weekend of fishing, swimming and generally trying to stay cool in the expected 106 degree heat. My other main goal will be keeping the […]

Missy Misdemeanor Elliott

I had the privilege of photographing my wonderful friend Lane’s new baby girl the other day, and holy moly, is she a cutie pie. Miss Elliott is super sassy already, and has some very strong opinions on music. In fact, if Mr. Ray LaMontagne wasn’t playing somewhere in the vicinity, she almost lost her marbles. […]

Saying Goodbye

Last Wednesday was a sad and happy day for the Crazybananas crew. Our good friends the Coleman’s are moving to Denver, and it was the last chance we’d have to say goodbye. It was a sudden move, due to a job transfer, and while I know it will be good for them in the end, […]

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