Entries by Megan

Happy Weekend!

Oh, hey everyone. It’s Friday, isn’t it? My brain is so fuzzy, I’m not sure if I actually remember what the day is anyway. This week I had such grand plans, but after a super productive Monday (I went running at 5 a.m.! I have to say that because I did nothing else all week […]

Moonrise Kingdom

Have you seen the movie Moonrise Kingdom yet? I want to live inside of it. I got a tip from a friend that it was a great little film, but didn’t have the chance to see it until recently. Everything about it made me happy. The clothes, the cinematography, the super strange love story, the […]

A Non-Traditional First Birthday Gift

A few weeks ago one of my best friends’ little babes turned one year old! Hooray for toddlers! Welcome to the world of broken everything and lots of whining and temper tantrums! Luckily, it’s also the world of “I love you mama” and huge hugs and recognizing animals and all sorts of other wonderment, which […]


While spending time at the lake has always been fun for our little family, it can sometimes be, well, a bit boring. My parents have a pontoon boat, which is lovely, but slow and with the kids being so little, it’s hard to get them excited about putting around the lake at 2 miles an […]

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