Entries by Megan


I grew up fascinated with space travel. Like lots of little kids, I dreamed of heading up in a rocket to outer space and discovering new worlds, but unlike lots of kids, I actually saw this as a real life actuality, not just a dream. My dad (in the photo above looking totally boss) worked […]

The First Day of First Grade

Today’s the day! Summer officially ended with a bang, well more like an alarm, this morning at 4:50 a.m. Oh, 4:50 a.m., I did not miss you one little bit. But it was worth it to get a run and some quiet time in before the insanity of the first school day morning of the […]

Happy Weekend!

It’s been a hard week, all. Fun and productive, but also soul sucking and exhausting. Trent has been away a few days on business and the kids and I are pining for his return (which will be tonight, hooray!). My big post on Donna’s Dress Shop may look like a fun thing, and it was, […]

I Heart KC: Donna’s Dress Shop

Oh, friends, I am so excited to share this special place with you all! I can’t even remember how I found out about Donna’s Dress Shop, all I can say is I’ve been obsessed for quite a while. Remember that fancy gala Trent and I attended last year? Well, my vintage “Jackie O” style dress […]

Nerds Have More Fun

You guys, I am working on such a super fun post about a certain place here in Kansas City that you all MUST visit very soon, especially if you love vintage, fun and all around amazingness. But (as I mentioned last week) said post is taking a wee bit longer to compile than I’d hoped. […]

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