Entries by Megan

Lulu’s Last Day of Summer

Lulu spent most of the summer attending a “day camp” at her old preschool. Tate now goes to daycare at the same facility, so it just made sense to keep them together instead of sending Lu to a different place, adding in two pick ups and drop offs per day. And while I think she […]

We Are A Part of A Rhythm Nation

As much as I’ve tried to force my indie music mentality on Lulu, the girl just loves pop music. She begs for me to play the pop music radio station in the car, and wants to sing (loudly) along with Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. My big problem (besides the fact that I honestly just […]

Happy Weekend

Hooray, it’s the weekend! This week, was, well, interesting. We started back to school on Monday, which went fairly well. The first full day was Wednesday, and that’s when pretty much everything feel apart. First, Tate had another breath holding spell at daycare and passed out. Apparently the stress of not being with his sister […]

A Crazybananas Cocktail

This past weekend, the fabulous Lane came over to my house in her fancy high heels and made me a drink! I asked her to put together a few fun recipes for a “Crazybananas Cocktail” and the girl did not disappoint. This recipe is perfect for those hot, end of summer days. And it contains […]

Love and Marriage

Trent and I are being featured today over at the always awesome So Wonderful, So Marvelous blog! She’s doing a super fun series on marriage and asked us to answer some of her questions on how we maintain such a picturesque union. I told her it was the abundance of breakfast sandwiches. Trent agreed. See? […]

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