Entries by Megan

Happy Labor Day!

I hope you spend yours laboriously eating giant turkey legs as we did. (Giant turkey legs eaten at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival)

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday, everybody! Today is a fairly gloomy one here in Kansas City, and my Friday is honestly off to a rough start. I’m hoping there is nowhere to go from here, but up. Right? Right. OK, then. Trent and I are pretty excited for the long weekend, because my in-laws will be taking BOTH […]


This is a list of things that are true: 1. My kids have the same joyful belly laugh, although Tate’s sometimes sounds a bit more like a growl. 2. Actually, almost everything coming out of Tate’s mouth these days sounds like a growl. If you ask him what a cow says, he growls “Mrrrrroooooorrrr!” and […]

The 2011 Blurb Book

I’ve posted in the past about that I get made at Blurb.com every year (you can see more here), but I couldn’t help but share the newest addition to our collection. Yes, I do realize that we are now in the third quarter of 2012, but cut me some slack, 2011 was a huge year […]

Our Favorite iPhone Apps for Kids

How did people parent before the iPhone? I have been an iPhone devotee since Lulu was about three, and having that magical little box with us on long trips or in doctor’s office waiting rooms has been such a lifesaver. We use the iPhone for everything, from getting directions to recipes for a quick dinner […]

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