Entries by Megan

CB Reads Sometimes: Our Favorite Kids Books (The Classics)

Lucy has finally reached an age where reading to her has become a total pleasure. She can now read quite well herself, so the short storybooks of bedtimes past have been replaced with easy chapter books. This is the stuff I LOVE. I do voices and get animated and imagine and Lu seems to have […]

Happy Weekend!

Hello, Friday! You are looking super cute this morning. And after this short, dramatic week, I could not be more excited for the weekend. To all of you who read, commented, tweeted, liked or emailed me regarding my post from yesterday, THANK YOU! Your support means the world and it’s so wonderful to know I’m […]

Instagrammers to Follow

I think it goes without saying that I love Instagram. I mean, I guess it could go without saying, but since I say it every week, I think it’s fairly obvious. I love Instagram for a lot of reasons, the most important of which is I feel Instagram is like Twitter was a few years […]

Finally, the Girl Power Pop Playlist

A few weeks ago I posted about how I was struggling to find music on the radio that Lucy and I would agree on. Mostly this is due to her love of pop music and my hatred of all the skanky lyrics on the radio these days (and get off my lawn!). As I said […]

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