Entries by Megan

The Crazybananas Birthday Gift Guide

Hey, guess what? It’s birthday week here at Crazybananas! This Thursday at approximately 7:03 p.m. I will turn 30 years old. Thirty! THIRTY!!! I know, I should be bumming out and pouting, but I couldn’t be more excited. This week is going to be quite the party here in my teeny corner of the Internet, […]

Happy Weekend!

Hooray, it’s Friday! Today is my niece and nephews’ 12th birthday, so I plan on prank calling them and posting endlessly to their Instagram feeds. That’s what annoying almosty-30-year-old aunts are for, right? We celebrated their birthdays last weekend because we’re all so busy this weekend we knew it wouldn’t work out to get together. […]

My New Baby

Guess what everyone? I have a new baby! She’s beautiful, so new and clean and gorgeous…okay, so, she’s a camera. But she’s still my baby! For those of you that are totally lost, let me give you a little backstory. Way back in 2005, I was gifted by my generous, new (at the time) husband […]

Pinterested – Girls in Glasses

Okay, yes, I admit it. I’m a girl and I love Pinterest. I am such a tragic cliche. But a tragic cliche with a brand new headboard that I made myself, bitches! So Pinterest haters can suck it, because I can’t help but spread the love. One thing I have noticed, however, is Pinterest can […]

Be Happy

I struggle every year to find words on this anniversary of a horrific event in our human history. I have written before about where I was, what I thought and how I’ve changed. But this year, I want to focus on how good life can be. The world is a scary, sick, sad place. Horrible […]

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