Entries by Megan

The Las Vegas Birthday Extravaganza!

I’m back! And I didn’t spend my entire savings! Yay me! Seriously, y’all, if you need an idea for celebrating your 30th birthday, may I suggest finding four of the best, funniest, prettiest, most fabulous people you know and then going to Las Vegas with them? It will be the best time ever! We all […]

Happy Weekend!

Hi everyone! I’m posting this from fabulous Las Vegas, where I’m engaging in hilarious antics with four of the most awesome friends a person could ask for. Last night we celebrated the anniversary of my birth and today (after much greasy food consumption) we are headed to the Cirque du Soleil Beatles LOVE show. Did […]

On Being 30

Today I turn 30 years old. I’m not sad or afraid or embarrassed about this fact. Actually, I’m pretty damn excited about it. When you graduate from college at 21, get married at 22 and have your first child at 23, you get pretty tired of feeling like the youngest girl in the room. I […]

Hey Paul Studios – A Crazybananas Giveaway

Today, since my birthday is tomorrow (have I mentioned I’m a little bit excited?), we’re doing something very special here at Crazybananas. We’re hosting our first ever giveaway! Hooray!!! Today’s prize is from a great blogging friend, Miss Kristen from Hey Paul Studios. Hey Paul Studios, an urban embroidery studio, is the brainchild of the […]

The Girls Trip 2012 Playlist

It’s still birthday week here at Crazybananas! In fact, let’s just assume it’s going to be birthday week this entire week, okay? I think that should save us all a bit of time. If you’re a longtime reader of this here weblog, you might remember a few years ago when I went on my first […]

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