Entries by Megan

Cultivating Courage

{Photo via Andrea Scher} I am not a naturally courageous person. I mean, sure, I’ve done brave things in my life. But in general, I am a person who tries to take the easy way out way more often than I should. For such a long time, I blamed it on the fact that I’ve […]

Happy Weekend!

Oh, friends. It is Friday, right? To say this week was difficult would be the biggest understatement of the century. So far, although 30 is lovely, it is extremely stressful. My goal for this weekend is to get my head up and stop worrying about things I cannot change. Easier said than done, I know, […]

Before I Die…

A few weeks ago, during my first photowalk with my new camera in downtown Kansas City, I noticed the wall pictured above. It was a chalkboard fixed to the side of a building that said “Before I die…” and then was filled out by people who walked by. I found the whole installation to be […]

iPhoneography: It’s About the Apps, Part Two

A few months back I shared some of my favorite apps for making your iPhone pictures look totally incredible (you can read all about it here). Since then, I’ve found even more photo editing apps (I know, I know, I think I have a problem too) that I am loving and using on a daily […]

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner – Hey Paul Studios Giveaway

Thank you so much to everyone who entered our first ever Crazybananas giveaway! The comments have been tallied and the winner is……. Yay, Kristen!!! I’m so excited for you! Email me your shipping info at megan[at]crazybananas[dot]com and I’ll send over your prize. And thank you to the other star Kristen of this first giveaway, Miss […]

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