Entries by Megan

Happy Weekend!

Yay, it’s Friday! I swear, my weeks drag on and on, but at the same time, I feel like it’s always weekend wrap-up time. I blame Doctor Who. Anyway, this week was was heads and tails better than last week, and I have so many people to thank for that. Mainly, my number one, two […]

22 Months

Dear Taterbug, This month you turn 22 months old, which means we’re almost at the end of these letters. When your sister turned two, I decided to stop writing letters so frequently, and instead just write a little note on each birthday, so for tradition’s sake, I’ve decided to do the same with you. It’s […]

Fall Mini Shoot Time!

If you’re a longtime Crazybananas reader, you might remember a few years back when I did some mini photoshoots, called “Playgroup Paparazzi.” Kids from Lulu’s playgroup (this was back when she was a tiny, little thing) would all show up at a specific park at a specific time, and for a set price, they’d get […]

Vegas Through The Lens of the 60D

So, yes, I lugged my fabulous new Canon 60D camera to Las Vegas. Stop rolling your eyes at me! I thought I’d get some fantastic images of Vegas at night…lights sparkling! The Bellagio Fountains! Drunk people acting insane! Hooray! Yeah, that didn’t happen. I took a total of 10 pictures. Mostly during our walk to […]

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