Entries by Megan

Happy Weekend!

Hey, hey, it’s Friday! This week has flown by, mostly because I took today off from work and our entire family is in Gove, Kansas. Yes, the middle of nowhere. I am so pumped to spend some real time with people who love me and my family. Good stuff. So with that, I’m off to […]

TV Showdown – My Top Picks (so far…)

We all know I watch way too much TV. Especially the kind that errs on the side of a sci-fi nerdgasm. But this year I’ve been out of the TV loop. After years of dictating my evening schedule based on what was waiting for me on my DVR, we’ve gotten rid of cable (similar to […]

Finding My Path – Part 7: The Financial Blues

There isn’t really anything on Earth that makes me more uncomfortable than talking about money. I mean, I suppose I also hate watching people kiss in movies, but talking about money would be at least third on my list of things I’d like to avoid forever and ever, amen. I grew up in a family […]

It’s Really All About Choice

I’m in the midst of reading Daring Greatly by Brene Brown (I couldn’t recommend this book enough, people. Pick it up, now!) and in one of her chapters she quotes the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, who said, “I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become.” Those words […]

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