Entries by Megan

Three Cheers for Pink Hair

A few weeks ago my husband and I were looking through all of our past holiday cards (which I’m gathering for another project) when he said, “See, you change your hair a lot!” I had been protesting that I had the same hairstyle for about 10 years, and I was getting bored. Again. But that […]

To the Mamas Behind the Camera

The other day I taught my very first photography workshop to a group of lovely mothers, who were so welcoming and engaged, it made the whole experience extremely awesome. To say I was nervous would be the greatest understatement of all time, so I was extremely grateful these ladies and their warm smiles were amongst […]

Reading is Magic

These past few weeks have been so wonderful. I am overwhelmed with the opportunities I’ve been given…teaching workshops, traveling to New York City, beautiful photo sessions with families and individuals…I am so grateful! I am, however, totally exhausted. Between all the amazing things happening in my career and the end of the school year for […]

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