Entries by Megan

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday, all! This week has flown by for me, but I suppose that’s to be expected. It’s almost Halloween, then it will be Thanksgiving, then we have birthday after birthday after birthday, then it’s Christmas, then New Years and then I will sleep forever and ever, amen. Our weekend is pretty packed with friend […]

Fall 2012 Playlist

It’s a grey, chilly day around here, so I figured it’s the perfect time to share my newest playlist. Here are some of the songs that are in my headphones this fall, some old and some new. Let’s jam and stay warm together. Fall Playlist 2012 by Crazybananas on Grooveshark

Mini Shoot Sneak Peek!

This past weekend I held my first Fall Mini Shoot, and I have so say, I think it went pretty well! I’m still in the midst of editing all the photos, but I wanted to share a few of my favorites so far…special thanks to everyone who came out to get their photo taken. I […]

Finding My Path – Part 8: Sunflowers & Superpowers

Have I mentioned my Cultivating Courage class? I can’t remember, which isn’t anything new (let’s be real, I can’t remember yesterday!). Anyway, Cultivating Courage is an online course that is all about bravery. I know, it sounds bananas. If I was on the listening end of this post, I’d think I was crazy too. But […]


When I was 13 years old, my sister surprised me with tickets to see the USA gold medal champion gymnastics team during their victory tour. It was one of those experiences I’ve never forgotten. I can’t really remember the routines or the music, but I can’t forget how it felt to be there with my […]

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