Entries by Megan

Weekend Roundup

Hello Friday, you have been missed. To be honest, this week hasn’t been very fun at our house. We started out the week with a day of tailgating and friends, but then our beloved (yet horrible) Kansas City Chiefs got killed (again) by the Raiders. Blech. Monday and Tuesday Tate wasn’t feeling so well, and […]

Postscript: Halloween 2012

I woke up this morning without a voice, so I guess that means Halloween 2012 was a success! A last minute costume switch made Tate much happier and a surprise visit from Grandpa didn’t hurt either. Tate went to a few houses in our neighborhood before he headed home to serve as the resident candy […]

Oh, Sandy

Here, at Crazybananas headquarters, we are thinking of our friends on the East Coast, who have been walloped by Hurricane Sandy. I love New York City like no other place on Earth, so seeing the darkened skyline was particularly troubling this morning. We have friends all up and down the coast, from Brooklyn to Manhattan, […]

Excuses, Excuses

In lieu of a real post, here’s an outtake from a photo shoot this weekend with one of my favorite families. Right now I’m a bit overworked and starting to feel it in my bones. So for today, I’m asking for a absentee pass, so that I can cure what ails me with some soup, […]

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