Entries by Megan

Happy Weekend!

Hello Friday! Thank goodness you are here, because I’m in MAJOR need of some downtime. With everything that’s been going on in our house the past few weeks, we haven’t had a low key weekend in quite a while. I’m really looking forward to getting started on some projects that have been sitting on my […]

Abre Los Ojos, Open Your Eyes

Life is a funny thing. One day you’re here and you’re laughing with your kids and the next day you’re not. (Bear with me, ya’ll, this post is basically just a long, rambling, run on sentence.) Yesterday was Trent’s grandfather’s funeral, a celebration of a man I’ve known for over ten years, but really didn’t […]

Fun News!

Want to hear some exciting news? Well, little old me is over on Pinterest as a Guest Pinnner for Alt Summit! Yes, THE Altitude Design Summit! I’m so pumped and honored to be a part of the amazing Alt community, and I hope everyone joins in the fun. Right now I’m working on the Color […]

Happy Election Day!!!

I hope you all get out and vote today! Voting is one of the most incredible rights we have as Americans, and if you don’t use it, you really are a dummy. Growing up, one of the most important and brilliant things my dad did was always take me with him when he voted, and […]

The Plague of the Peters House

At the Peters compound we are now on Day 7 of the worst plague in about five years. I’m not sure what has made this cold/flu situation so much worse than ones we’ve dealt with in the past few years (one guess…Tate Peters), but it has knocked me right on my ass. I have been […]

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