Entries by Megan

The Best Dog Ever

I was all set to write a fun end of the week post today…but unfortunately I have some sad news from my little family. Our wonderful, loyal, beautiful dog, Professor Molly McGoo, Phd., died last night. We are so very, very sad. Molly was an old dog, but her sickness came on quite quickly, and […]

Growing Up

One of my favorite things about photography is the ability to capture a moment in time. When I first started snapping pics as a little side business, I invited a few moms from Lulu’s playgroup to bring their kids to the park and I’d shoot some photos for them. I got invaluable practice, they got […]

Loving Right Now

Coveting – This beautiful piece of art by Linda Donohue (via Design Sponge) Admiring – Lukas Kozmus’ travel photography…he’s only been photographing his adventures for two years. Two years behind a camera! Incredible. Watching – Lizzie and Darcy (aka Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy) on the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. I’ve mentioned this web series before […]

Lucky Number Seven

Seven years ago today I got married. I was happy, giddy and in love. I was also terrified. Marriage can be a scary thing…telling someone that you promise to be there for them FOREVER and ever is a bit daunting. I look at the person I was seven years ago and I’m amazed that Trent […]

Mini Shoot No. 2 Sneak Peek!

I’m almost done with round two of the Mini Shoot photos and wanted to share a few of them here on this fine Monday morning! I have one more day of shoots this weekend and then that’s it for Mini Shoots in 2012. My families for day two were not only gorgeous, but so accommodating. […]

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