Entries by Megan

Hallmark – A Crazybananas Giveaway!

Can you feel it? The chill in the air? The annoying (well, let’s face it, awesome) Christmas music playing on every radio station? The amazing Lifetime movies starring 90s sitcom stars as lonely women looking for some holiday love? Yes, it’s that time of year again, and honestly, I couldn’t be more excited! Lucy is […]

A Sweet Lemon Holiday!

Okay, how adorable is this? Just when my Sweet Lemon Magazine editors couldn’t get any cuter, they post a behind the scenes video of the holiday issue photoshoot. So perfect! If you haven’t checked out the holiday issue yet, get on it! There are tons of fab and festive ideas for you along with some […]

Our Thanksgiving

Our family Thanksgiving in my hometown was such a fun, long weekend of family, joy, gator rides, good food, wine and more fun. I sing the praises of my awesome family quite a bit on this blog…so this time I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves. Hope you all had a relaxing weekend as […]

Happy Weekend!

Well, hi there, Friday! I’m so excited to see you. We are still in our hometown for the holiday weekend, soaking up some fun family time. The upcoming month holds big changes for our family, so I’m enjoying these last quiet days before the world goes nuts (explanation coming in a future blog post, I […]

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