Entries by Megan

Proud Mama

I’m raising an artist!!! Sweet Lulu brought home a note a few weeks back that informed us a piece of her art was selected to be in a special art show. It has been on display in our school district’s main boardroom for a few weeks, but we hadn’t made it over yet due to […]

The Crazybananas Holiday Gift Guide 2012

It’s that time of year again! Need some ideas for the slightly fashionable lady nerd in your life? Well, I’m here to help. This gift guide contains pretty much everything for the female geek. And as always, could someone forward this on to my husband? Great, thanks! (You can find previous holiday gift guides here.) […]

Day 1 of the New Life

Ever since I posted last week about quitting my full time job, I have received a huge (and mostly wonderful) response. Everyone is being lovely and sweet about my big change, from the other moms at Lucy’s school, to my family and friends, and even my ex-employers. I’m not really sure what I was expecting, […]

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Hallmark Giveaway! It was such fun reading all of your awesome holiday traditions. I would love for all of you to win, but unfortunately that’s not how the game is played. I plugged your comment numbers in to the Random.org number generator and it picked […]

Happy Weekend!

It’s FRIDAY! And not just any regular Friday, oh no. This is my last day at my full time job. Eeeek! My emotions are all over the place, as they have been for the past few weeks. Last night the engineers threw me a little goodbye happy hour and I found myself pretty sad to […]

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