Entries by Megan

And Now, for a Little Announcement…

I have exciting news, friends! Actually, I have two bits of exciting news. I have been biting my tongue and wanting to share with you for a while now, and it’s finally time…hooray! Have you ever heard of Design for Minikind? It’s the fabulous spin off blog of Design for Mankind, which was started by […]

Photoshoot – The Odle Family

I am a person that doesn’t make new friends easily…you know the type, right? I have a few close friends from growing up and then from college, but when it comes to making new friends, I turn in to a total geek. I’m what psychologists call an “introverted extrovert.” I’m pretty good in public, or […]

Beauty Tips from a Newly Christened 30 Year Old

Earlier this year I wrote a post explaining how happy I was to turn 30. And so far, I’m still pretty happy about it. At the time, I felt exactly like Jennifer Gardner in “13 Going on 30,” and I knew that being “30, flirty and fun” would be the best time ever. OK, sure, […]

Love and Lights

Tonight is the last night of our very first Hanukkah. If you are wondering when we converted to Judaism, you aren’t alone. We’ve had a few questions about our celebration of the holiday this year, but the best way I can describe it is we’re not a religious crew. Trent and I have very different […]

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday, everyone! Are you finishing up all your holiday “to do’s”? Yeah, me too. I have a few gifts left to wrap, cookies to bake, crafts to finish and a super fun video to edit and then I’m done. Put a fork in me. A week from tomorrow we are heading off for a […]

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