Entries by Megan

Guest Banana: DIY Vanilla Honey Bubble Bath by Lane

I’ve asked some Guest Bananas to help me out over this holiday week so I could take a little break from the blog (my first in over a year and a half, yikes!) Today features my amazing friend, and totally awesome blogger, Lane from Misc. Thanks, Lane! ————————————————– I don’t know about you, but after […]

Merry Christmas from the Crazybananas Crew

From everyone in the Crazybananas home, we want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a very Happy New Year! Thanks for being such incredible supporters of our site this year. It means so, so much. Your gift is this video…we hope you like it! For an extra holiday treat, check out […]

Guest Banana: Ginger Molasses Cookies by Jessica

I’ve asked some Guest Bananas to help me out over this holiday week so I could take a little break from the blog (my first in over a year and a half, yikes!) Today features one of my favorite bloggers (and she who has the best blog name ever!) Jessica of Gin and Juiceboxes. Thanks, […]

Happy Weekend

Hey everybody! I hope you had a wonderful week full of the hectic rush that seems to happen the week before Christmas. Obviously this week was a big one for me (read more here) and I’m beyond thankful to be starting my holiday break tomorrow. I have a holiday post that will go up next […]

Two Years

Dear Tate, Today you turn two-years-old. I am in disbelief that it’s already here! I took off the month of December to spend more time with you, and here we are, almost at the end. I am at a loss for words, but I’ll do my best, since this will be the last letter until […]

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