Entries by Megan

In 3, 2, 1…..

Today is a big day at Crazybananas headquarters. I can’t wait to share what I’ve been working on with you all, and I think you’re going to love it! Please bare with me as the site might seem a little….well….off today. I promise, if you stick around, there might be something fun in it for […]

Go Mighty Update

I’m still going strong on my Go Mighty goal of photographing 15 mothers by the end of the month. I’m almost halfway there, and I’m definitely starting to feel the crunch. Here are a few outtakes from some of my recent shoots. Aren’t these ladies beautiful?! My most recent stories are up on Go Mighty, […]

Movie Night: The Decoy Bride

This past Friday night, after a two hour crying fit by a certain 2-year-old who will not be named (ahem.), I decided I needed to turn everything off and just veg out. My new jobs are amazing so far, and I’m loving the flexibility, but the trade off has been that I’m constantly connected. At […]

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday, everyone! This was my first full week at my new job(s) and it went fairly well. I can be a bit of a pessimist, so I was pleasantly surprised at how smooth everything was. I’m sure I will regret that sentence the minute I hit “publish” on this post, but for now, I’m […]

7 x 7

I have decided to try a new photo series around here as a way to force myself to pick up my real camera and catch snippets of my day. I have become so reliant on my iPhone for images, I thought this might be a fun way to get back in to the real deal. […]

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