Entries by Megan

The Return of Mom Style : Casual Girls’ Night Out

Mom Style is back! Well, sort of. I haven’t posted one of these in ages, mostly because I still have no idea how to get shots of myself without a helpful assistant on hand. So instead, I decided to use what I have, a tripod and my lovely assistant Lulu, who provided ample laughs and […]

I’m Leaving on a Jet Plane

Today is the day! I’m leaving for my first ever blogging conference, Altitude Design Summit, in Salt Lake City. I’ve attempted to explain Alt to people that aren’t in the blog/design world and they just shake their heads at me like I’m a crazy person. While they could think I’m nuts for lots of reasons, […]

Tate the Great

I am the worst at baby books. I mean, obviously, I’m not very crafty, and I honestly don’t do to well with written journal keeping (although I’m working on it!) so I have two, half-filled books with zero photos. I rule. When Lucy was two, I decided it was time to stop writing her monthly […]

7 x 7 : Week 2

selling girl scout cookies with a few girls from the troop // my wedding song painted on canvas // my girl // tate’s first train set (a hand me down from lulu) // playing on the back porch after school // a sad balloon a day after it lost it’s helium // taking pics for […]

Blast Off!!!

Welcome to the new and improved Crazybananas! As I’m sure you can tell, the big surprise was a major redesign of the site, and I couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out. Major, MAJOR thanks go out to Kendra Murphy, my designer and creator of all this awesome. We are still working out a […]

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