Entries by Megan

Why I Blog

Alt Summit stirred up a lot of feelings in me, some positive…some not so much. And I’ve spent the last few days trying to figure out why that is. Why do I feel a giant weight of inadequacy about to crush me after I’ve left such an uplifting experience? I was so overwhelmed with all […]

An Attempted Alt Summit Post

Photo by Justin Hackworth for Alt Summit – Can you find me? It’s like Where’s Waldo! Whew. Did I say that loudly enough? WHEW!!! I returned from Alt Summit on Sunday and my mind is still reeling with new ideas, thoughts, names, and all around goodness. I’ve been asked a few times how my “vacation” […]

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Thank you all for being so awesomely patient while I was away last week. I’m still coming down from the Alt Summit high, and my brain can’t really formulate thoughts or words, so I will hopefully have a full Alt report up later this week. Until then, here’s the winner of the iTunes gift card […]

Happy Weekend!

Hello everyone! I’m still in Salt Lake City at Alt Summit and I can’t wait to share all I’ve learned with you. Today is the final day of the speaker sessions, then tomorrow we have design camp. I’ll be flying home Sunday to my littles who I’ve missed like crazy while I’m away. This week […]